Lenin posters

With all of the news around the intrusion of Russia into our election process and the first anniverssary of the Trump's election win, it seemed like an exciting time to bring out my 3 Vladimir Lenin posters we have in our collection. Lenin was a driving force behind the Russian Revolution of 1917 and became the first great dictator of the Soviet Union.

I traded a painting I did while in graduate school for the posters from Paul Giles, a college friend. I believe he had obtained them while he was on a Fulbright scholarship at the University of Munich.

Each poster 34 ⅛" h x 22 ⅞" wide. I believe at least the poster above was one of a set of 34 posters printed in 1969 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Lenin's birth in 1870. This poster we ran is easily our favorite of the 3 — a compelling portrait. I've not been able to find visuals of all of the posters though I've seen them on eBay.

I wonder how hard it would be to get a portrait of me like this.

If anyone is thinking of offering design assistance to the Trump administration, you should feel free to borrow "the feel" from these as you like.


Now that I've said that, there might be something I could do with them to push things the other way. Just tonite I was watching The Manchurian Candidate, which might make a nice one of our Indivisible postcards.