⬆ Letterpress type | Neuland Inline | metal
⬇ Letterpress thing | leading > spacing material typically used to expand the vertical space between adjacent lines of type
The Ken Kulakowsky Center for Letterpress and Book Arts
Floor plan - personally, I think a floor plan would be nice on the website and perhaps done as a piece to hang on the wall of the center in perhaps a couple of places.
The photo above is of Lead Graffiti, but I suspect something similar would be done for The Center
Equipment would be a listing of at least the basic equipment, but the amount of letterpress stuff in the building is impressive, and I think this should be promoted. May help promote similar items you’d like to sell. In some statement like this there would be a link to the SHOPPING area of the site.
Online Tour for YouTube, Instagram reels, etc.
List of major printing equipment
Platen presses
tabletop presses
type cabinets / cases of type