Women's March / Philadelphia

Jill and I joined in with several hundred thousand marchers in 2017 in Washington, DC, for the Women's March. This year we joined with Indivisible local members in the protests in Philadelphia.

In 2017 we printed 1,200 small cards via letterpress which we handed out to the fellow marchers. In 2018 we did 2 new postcards to give out which we encouraged recipients to send to their politicians. 

The Wilmington News Journal saw us passing out the cards and asked about it. DelawareOnline included the following. The article was written by Margie Fishman and Josephine Peterson. Cool

Marchers acknowledged the challenge of maintaining an air of exuberance when marginalized communities are suffering. Every three weeks, Ray Nichols, the owner of a Newark letterpress printing company, mails postcards with sayings like "Republican Incumben't" to all 100 U.S. senators, along with national media personalities and Trump himself. 

"It really reduces my urge to complain," he admitted.

It was a remarkable day with some important new friends.

We came back and went to see "The Post", the new movie on Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers starring Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep. We thought the movie was fabulous (definitely one I can watch 10 times once I get the DVD). The movie also had some fantastic footage of Linotypes spitting out hot metal back like would have happened in the day.

I think I'll heat our Intertype on in the studio today to at least run a few lines. Here the day after the march we are doing a workshop to make Valentine's Day cards which will probably be our next post. I think I'll try to run enough to send all of the U.S. Senators, for a bit of a break from just protesting postcards (although they will probably have a bit of a protest tone of voice to them).

Also lovely to report that son and daughter and two grand children were joining the Women's March in New York.

Ahhh. One of those days to look back on.