Lead Graffiti hand-rolled type in magazines

This isn’t intended as a New Year’s resolution as that has never worked before.

We want to see our hand rolled wood type in a MAJOR NATIONAL MAGAZINE (think Vanity Fair or New Yorker). We are looking for a (maybe 2) creative, outside-of-the-computer designer (student or professional) for an UNPAID INTERNSHIP / APPRENTICESHIP who will focus with us on that goal. WE’LL TRADE YOU for press time, portfolio work, food, or most any other expertise or printed materials we have to offer. FIRST PLANNING STEPS? : list of target magazines; list of target people; physical, affordable portfolio architecture; strategy for typographic images; and mailing strategy.

Here are a few examples pulled from our past work to start the conversation. Laughter.

1 : Article about people talking about nothing. Political talk.

2 : Initial cap. Maybe for the word “ABsolute.” Interesting in that nothing about the color is absolute.

3 : article on the Grand Opera House or the Metropolitan Opera.

4 : Opening paragraph of an article about conflict, chaos, politics (red / blue).